Ahmed Aweis grew up in East London, went to Tom Hood School in Leytonstone and graduated from the University of East London earning a degree in Civil Engineering Surveying.

He was introduced into community work by a prominent member of the Somali community and was asked to lead the youth wing of a Somali organization called the Ahlu Sunnah which eventually was disestablished after three years.

It was during his first year of university that he grew passionate in giving back to his community. He understood the strengths and faults of the Somali community in terms of integration and attitude towards life in the UK. He wanted the Somali community to integrate better, develop greater awareness of what is happening around and be more proactive in general. It was this burning desire that kept him going in service for fifteen years.

In 2007, he co-founded the Somali Youth Organization and became the chairman for ten years. He was an independent police adviser for a short while and worked with the police specifically to tackle delinquency amongst Somali youth.

At present, he is running his own transport business as well as working as a chauffeur. He is politically active, a member of the Labour Party and a believer of social justice.

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